BOS, Coenraad V., pianist, accompanist; b. Leiden, Holland, Dec. 7, 1875; s. M. B. Bos and Maria (Visser); studied w. Julius Rontgen, Amsterdam Conservatory; married, Berlin, June 1, 1901; 2 daughters, b. 1904 and 1908, the younger, ballet leader Bremen Opera House; formed Dutch Trio w. J. van Veen and J. van Lier, Berlin, 1901; tours w. Lud-wig Wtillner, Frieda Hempel, Fritz Kreisler, Julia Gulp, Elena Gerhardt, Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Pablo Casals, Jacques Thibaud, Albert Spalding, Joseph Joachim, Geraldine Farrar, Eu-gen Gura, Myra Mortimer, Johannes Mes-schaert. Home: Rtidesheimer Platz 10, Berlin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Myra is mentioned in his memoirs The Well-tempered accompanist by Coenradd V. Bos as told to Ashley Pettis. Theodore Presser Company Publishers : © 1949. Which is a funny little book where for 162 pages Mr. Bos extols his greatness and talent.As for Mra, he says he "had instructed her on the subtle technique of slurring" and that "she and Julia Culp, Johannes Messchaert and Freda Hempel all have highly treasured the value of my instruction" wiki: He was born in Leiden in 1875. He studied under Julius Röntgen and at the Berlin High School for Music. He decided early to become an accompanist, a field of which he made a special study. On 9 November 1896, in the presence of the composer, and still a month shy of his 21st birthday, he accompanied the Dutch baritone Anton Sistermans at the premiere of Brahms' Vier ernste Gesänge in ViennaFor many years he worked with singers such as Raimund von zur-Mühlen, Elena Gerhardt (USA tour 1920, Spanish tour 1928), Julia Culp, Frieda Hempel, Alexander Kipnis better source needed] Gervase Elwes, Ludwig Wüllner and Helen Traubel (he accompanied Traubel on a world tour in 1945-46).[5] He appeared with the 13-year-old Yehudi Menuhin in Berlin on 23 April 1929, and they exchanged inscribed photographs of themselves in commemoration of the event (Bos's gift to Menuhin is now in the Museum of the Royal Academy of Music He recorded lieder of Brahms, Reger, Schubert, Schumann and Wolf with Elena Gerhardt (1927–32). He figures prominently in the Hugo Wolf Society's Complete Edition 1931-38, accompanying Gerhardt, Herbert Janssen, Gerhard Hüsch, Alexandra Trianti and Elisabeth Rethberg He died in Chappaqua, New York, United States on 5 August 1955, aged 79