Myra Mortimer's mothers burial information Dora Angeline Munson Mortimer

Daniel Mortimer and Dora 


Current No. 43-43
Total No. 62363
Personal Information:

    Full Name of Deceased: Mrs. Dora Angeline Mortimer
    Usual Residence: 833 S. Fedora Ave., Los Angeles 5
    Person in Charge: Mrs. Frederick Pinter
    Address: 200 W. 58th St., New York 19
    Relationship to Deceased: Daughter

Death Information:

    Place of Death: Alvarado Hospital, Los Angeles
    Date of Death: January 16, 1959
    Hour of Death: 3:15 AM
    Length of Stay Where Death Occurred: 32 years
    Full Name of Doctor: Dr. Maurice Kowan
        Address: 1648 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles
        Phone: WE 3 9121
    Cause of Death: Cerebral Thrombosis

Personal Details:

    Sex: Female
    Color or Race: Caucasian
    Marital Status: Widow
    Date of Birth: July 15, 1872
    Age: 86 years
    Birthplace: South Carolina
    Citizen of What Country: USA
    Time in California: 51 years
    Last Occupation: Housewife

Family Information:

    Father’s Name: Myron E. Munson
        Birthplace of Father: New York
    Mother’s Maiden Name: Dora Benedict Aldrich
        Birthplace of Mother: Unknown

Funeral Arrangements:

    Funeral Date: Sunday, January 18th
    Hour: 10:30 AM
    Place: P. B. Dr. Room
    Interment: Chapel of Pines
    Minister: William J. Ross (Friend)
    Music: Organ Only (Live)
        Organist: Ruby Miller
        Music Details: "Sweet Mystery of Life" during service, "Brahm’s Lullaby" at closing

Other Details:

    Autos for Funeral: Their Car
    Memorial Folders: No
    Special Instructions: Casket closed throughout the entire service
    Disposition of Flowers: Destroy
    Card to: Dr. Ferris R. Duke

Pre. P. B. Stock $250.00
Arranged by:    Engols

Casket Details:

    Casket: P-2
        Cost: $250.00
    Outer Case:
        Cost: $5.00

Other Expenses:

        Cost: $10.25
    Newspaper Notices:
        Publication of Death: $6.00
        Cost of Notice: $12.50

Crematory & Memorial:

    Crematory: Pines
        Cost: $75.00
    Niche Memorial Hall:
        Cost: $85.40

Total Cost of Crematory Services:



    By Family

Telephone & Telegrams:


Other Mortician’s Charges:

    Organist: Ruby Miller
        Cost: $10.00


    Certified Copies: 2 CC
        Cost: $2.00

Myra Mortimer's letter to composer Arthur Farwell in 1939

Letter from Myra to Arthur Farwell (1872-1952) 

From the Eastman School of Music Farwell collection HERE



5 June 39
Myra Mortimer Pinter
200 West 58th Street
New York City

Dear Mr. Farwell—

You probably scarcely recall my name, if at all—but I should like to tell you how beautiful I thought your prize-winning Concerto for two pianos—and extend to you my heartiest congratulations! I was always a great admirer of your songs, which you sent me in manuscript many years ago—unfortunately, they were too high for my voice and they did not lend themselves to transposition, which I regretted very much.

I shall always miss our charming and interesting friend "Fitchen" who was the one who introduced me to you and your work. After having lived in London eight years, he has just returned to home shores—and it’s really wonderful to be back.

I hope that if you are in New York, at any time, we shall have the pleasure of seeing you.

I am,

Yours sincerely, and in great admiration,
Myra Mortimer Pinter


Myra passenger Berengaria 1928

Myra passenger Bremen 1930

Significance of the concert artist's garb


Myra's letter to composer Arthur Farwell 1938


Letter from Myra to Arthur Farwell in 1938. She and Pinter had just moved back to US after 8 years in London. Arthur Farwell (March 23, 1872 – January 20, 1952) was an American composer, conductor, educationalist, lithographer, esoteric savant, and music publisher. Interested in American Indian music, he became associated with the Indianist movement and founded the Wa-Wan Press to publish music in this genre. He combined teaching, composing and conducting in his career, working on both coasts and in Michigan.

Concert program in Dutch Myra Mortimer and Coenraad V. Bos

 Marian Anderson Papers (University of Pennsylvania) Mortimer, Myra; Bos, Coenraad V.

Myra's handwriting on front, Colenda Digital Repository Penn Library  here


Berengaria 1928 Myra and the novel, The Crossing by Len Niessen

 Myra is mentioned a couple of times in a mystery story about the trip of the Cunard Line ship, The Berengaria in 1928 from New York to Southampton,  England 

Read here

MYRA MORTIMER RETURNS.; Contralto Adds to the Good Impression Previously Made Here. Nov. 8, 1927 NYT

MYRA MORTIMER RETURNS.; Contralto Adds to the Good Impression Previously Made Here.
Nov. 8, 1927
Credit...The New York Times Archives November 8, 1927,
Page 32

Myra donated art Jan van Goyen Sandy Road with a Farmhouse

Walter Liedtke, Dutch paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New Haven, 2007, nr. 49
Myra Mortimer Pinter, New York, by 1970–died 1972

External links
Metropolitan Museum of Art Accession number 1972.25

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